Depending on the direction, SyncManager shows from which folder the files are copied. Nevertheless, it is important to know that during the initial synchronization both folders are brought to the same status. With a unidirectional SyncJob (from left to right or right to left), the files that are not present in the source folder will be deleted from the target folder. In a bidirectional SyncJob, the rules are a bit more complicated.

What happens to my SyncJob-affected folders when I …

  1. … copy?
    Files are also copied to the destination folder.
  2. … delete?
    Files are also deleted from the destination folder.
  3. … rename?
    Files are also renamed in the destination folder.
  4. … move?
    If files are moved to a source, they are subsequently copied to the destination folder. If files leave the source folder, they are also deleted in the destination folder.